My diploma arrived in the mail. I got a 100 for my internship and a 97.5 GPA. Now what? Take the nationals? Find someone to hire me?
Jane Hautanen (Jane Doe) attempts to improve her blog, and not doing a very good job of it
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
There was an article in a recent Newsweek about male depression. According to the writer, traditional schools of thought maintained anxiety and depression were the result of the brain under-producing certain chemicals. Now it's evidently the result of the brain OVER-PRODUCING certain chemicals, the result of constantly being in the on-mode, for example the consequences of physical or emotional trauma.
The author says months or years of constantly being in high gear can cause you to fry your brain irreparably. Hmmm, six years of talking to retarded hicks, being yelled at by assholes, more than three years of smelling and listening to Shamu...
There was an article in a recent Newsweek about male depression. According to the writer, traditional schools of thought maintained anxiety and depression were the result of the brain under-producing certain chemicals. Now it's evidently the result of the brain OVER-PRODUCING certain chemicals, the result of constantly being in the on-mode, for example the consequences of physical or emotional trauma.
The author says months or years of constantly being in high gear can cause you to fry your brain irreparably. Hmmm, six years of talking to retarded hicks, being yelled at by assholes, more than three years of smelling and listening to Shamu...
Saturday, February 24, 2007
We were living in the old house in Falls Church. Something terrible happened in Southeast Asia, especially affecting Thailand. Not sure whether it was another tsunami or nuclear war. Some of the people showed up at our back door. Not sure whether Dad was alive. I was driving and driving around Virginia on an empty tank yet the car still went.
We were living in the old house in Falls Church. Something terrible happened in Southeast Asia, especially affecting Thailand. Not sure whether it was another tsunami or nuclear war. Some of the people showed up at our back door. Not sure whether Dad was alive. I was driving and driving around Virginia on an empty tank yet the car still went.
Friday, February 23, 2007
I have done well with the no-booze thing, but forgot and ate a hotdog in the hospital cafeteria. You would think a Catholic hospital wouldn't serve meat on a Friday. The hospital staff are nice. I saw at least three nasty nasty sets of leg ulcers. From what I hear there is no such thing as an "RPT" or "registered physical therapist" anymore -- you need a master's or a PhD. Since massage/physical therapy are not what I want to do, it's not worth it. Mom sez someday I'll be working in a nice clinic where I won't need another advanced degree anyway.
I have done well with the no-booze thing, but forgot and ate a hotdog in the hospital cafeteria. You would think a Catholic hospital wouldn't serve meat on a Friday. The hospital staff are nice. I saw at least three nasty nasty sets of leg ulcers. From what I hear there is no such thing as an "RPT" or "registered physical therapist" anymore -- you need a master's or a PhD. Since massage/physical therapy are not what I want to do, it's not worth it. Mom sez someday I'll be working in a nice clinic where I won't need another advanced degree anyway.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Stranger things have happened. Saw this article on MSN. Yeah, that describes me: obsessed with my pets, working 24-7, a clutterbug who's ashamed to have people over. Maybe the author is right -- maybe I need to clean the table off so something else can find room on it. Dad told me "practice, practice," Mom said "genius is 99% perspiration." Maybe they were WRONG. Maybe I need to do the Zen thing of NOT DOING ANYTHING.
Bought Muriel's Wedding. Saw it about 12 years ago with Kevin. I rented it so often I figured I should buy it. I can relate so much to Muriel Heslop -- overweight, abused, asshole high school classmates. At the end Muriel leaves her husband because he admits he doesn't love he but "wouldn't mind having her around." Silly, silly Muriel. The guy is hot hot and has money and wouldn't mind having you around. And that's so much what a relationship is about -- you have to be comfortable with someone after the sex is over.
Stranger things have happened. Saw this article on MSN. Yeah, that describes me: obsessed with my pets, working 24-7, a clutterbug who's ashamed to have people over. Maybe the author is right -- maybe I need to clean the table off so something else can find room on it. Dad told me "practice, practice," Mom said "genius is 99% perspiration." Maybe they were WRONG. Maybe I need to do the Zen thing of NOT DOING ANYTHING.
Bought Muriel's Wedding. Saw it about 12 years ago with Kevin. I rented it so often I figured I should buy it. I can relate so much to Muriel Heslop -- overweight, abused, asshole high school classmates. At the end Muriel leaves her husband because he admits he doesn't love he but "wouldn't mind having her around." Silly, silly Muriel. The guy is hot hot and has money and wouldn't mind having you around. And that's so much what a relationship is about -- you have to be comfortable with someone after the sex is over.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Today, Ash Wednesday, was bright and sunny while yesterday, Shrove Tuesday, was gray and nasty. Interesting. For lack of anything better to give up I gave up booze again. And I ate more fruits and vegetables today than I have in a while. Some say Lent lasts 40 days, actually it's more like 44. No matter how you lok at it, it lasts more than one-tenth of the year, which sucks.
Today, Ash Wednesday, was bright and sunny while yesterday, Shrove Tuesday, was gray and nasty. Interesting. For lack of anything better to give up I gave up booze again. And I ate more fruits and vegetables today than I have in a while. Some say Lent lasts 40 days, actually it's more like 44. No matter how you lok at it, it lasts more than one-tenth of the year, which sucks.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Saw my GP. What is it about me and Jewish doctors? But then I digress. I told him I might not have gone into massage therapy had I known I would be dealing with so many perverts. He got really quiet. I guess he deals with perverts, too. Or maybe he is a pervert. Or maybe he thinks I am a pervert.
Saw my GP. What is it about me and Jewish doctors? But then I digress. I told him I might not have gone into massage therapy had I known I would be dealing with so many perverts. He got really quiet. I guess he deals with perverts, too. Or maybe he is a pervert. Or maybe he thinks I am a pervert.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Today was a holiday, so I did some fill-in work. As you know, the bulk of my money comes from talking to the retarded. Today it was a different set of tards, and they called me, rather than me calling them, which was a refreshing change.
Today was a holiday, so I did some fill-in work. As you know, the bulk of my money comes from talking to the retarded. Today it was a different set of tards, and they called me, rather than me calling them, which was a refreshing change.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Today begins the Chinese year of the Pig. The fire pig to be exact. There are also earth, metal, water and wood pigs.
Today begins the Chinese year of the Pig. The fire pig to be exact. There are also earth, metal, water and wood pigs.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Today is Aunt Margie’s 83rd birthday. It would have been my father’s, too. We buried his ashes two years ago today. I did a party in Northeast. The hostess lost her father in August. Things went well – I am walking on air. It’s nice to be paid to do something you enjoy.
Today is Aunt Margie’s 83rd birthday. It would have been my father’s, too. We buried his ashes two years ago today. I did a party in Northeast. The hostess lost her father in August. Things went well – I am walking on air. It’s nice to be paid to do something you enjoy.
Friday, February 16, 2007
.Completed my graduation requirement Saturday, but put in a few hours this week. Went to Women’s Heart Day at the Verizon Center, hand out biz cards. My blood pressure and cholesterol are down, blood glucose is up. Go figure. Also, my new chair arrived this week.
.Completed my graduation requirement Saturday, but put in a few hours this week. Went to Women’s Heart Day at the Verizon Center, hand out biz cards. My blood pressure and cholesterol are down, blood glucose is up. Go figure. Also, my new chair arrived this week.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Well, yesterday had to be the weirdest Valentine's Days in years, if not ever. Ended up massaging a person of indeterminate gender/sexual orientation,, kind of like a CIT (Casssandra in training) had the feeling he/she/it was attracted to me. Asshole said "something likes you."
Well, yesterday had to be the weirdest Valentine's Days in years, if not ever. Ended up massaging a person of indeterminate gender/sexual orientation,, kind of like a CIT (Casssandra in training) had the feeling he/she/it was attracted to me. Asshole said "something likes you."

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Well, I would like to say I am free and clear. The great love of my life is not so great anymore, yet there is no one to take his place, or at least his potential replacements are not so eager to assume the role. But at least I am not wasting time/money on cards/gifts/long distance calls etc.
My recommendation: for an unconventional Valentine’s Day film, see Picnic at Hanging Rock. It scared me shitless a couple years ago.
Well, I would like to say I am free and clear. The great love of my life is not so great anymore, yet there is no one to take his place, or at least his potential replacements are not so eager to assume the role. But at least I am not wasting time/money on cards/gifts/long distance calls etc.
My recommendation: for an unconventional Valentine’s Day film, see Picnic at Hanging Rock. It scared me shitless a couple years ago.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Or, "Libertarians in Love." Most of the Washington Metro area is fearing snow, which means most of it is shut down. We decided not to go to Reston tonight, and as I am still feeling a little bit feverish it was probably a good thing. I fell asleep with the TV on and dreamt I was with alone with Grandma. I started hemorrhaging. At first it started out as a small bruise, then both legs were black and blue and bleeding. Grandma's cell phone rang but no one picked it up. I told her calmly I needed to go to the hospital. When I woke up there was some Cato Institute guy on TV.
Or, "Libertarians in Love." Most of the Washington Metro area is fearing snow, which means most of it is shut down. We decided not to go to Reston tonight, and as I am still feeling a little bit feverish it was probably a good thing. I fell asleep with the TV on and dreamt I was with alone with Grandma. I started hemorrhaging. At first it started out as a small bruise, then both legs were black and blue and bleeding. Grandma's cell phone rang but no one picked it up. I told her calmly I needed to go to the hospital. When I woke up there was some Cato Institute guy on TV.

Monday, February 12, 2007
Two years ago yesterday my beloved Lightning died. Yesterday I gave Pippin and Pandora extra pats, kisses and treats. When so much has been taken from you it's hard not to be scared that more will be.
Two years ago yesterday my beloved Lightning died. Yesterday I gave Pippin and Pandora extra pats, kisses and treats. When so much has been taken from you it's hard not to be scared that more will be.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Saturday, February 10, 2007
.Amy Ray/Emily Saliers
"To look at everything always as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time: Thus is your time on earth filled with glory."
Betty Smith
Funny how you seldom remember the first time you saw a person or place but more often you remember the last.I don't remember much about my first day at school other than it was a Monday, I guess the weather was pretty nice since it was in April. I completed my graduation requirement February 10th. It was about 30 degrees outside, but at least the sun was shining. I drove all the way to Falls Church after working all night to find out S. was sick and no one could get into the library.
Since I only needed three hours I decided to stick it out so I studied from my flashcards in the cosmo break room for four hours. Then I went to the Falls Church public library to use the computer and was told I would need a library card. Funny, I haven't had one there since graduate school. And after all these years of trying to get AWAY from there.At the end of the morning I felt drained. Not exhilarated, just as though I had been beaten about and crawling onto shore, just barely.
.Amy Ray/Emily Saliers
"To look at everything always as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time: Thus is your time on earth filled with glory."
Betty Smith
Funny how you seldom remember the first time you saw a person or place but more often you remember the last.I don't remember much about my first day at school other than it was a Monday, I guess the weather was pretty nice since it was in April. I completed my graduation requirement February 10th. It was about 30 degrees outside, but at least the sun was shining. I drove all the way to Falls Church after working all night to find out S. was sick and no one could get into the library.
Since I only needed three hours I decided to stick it out so I studied from my flashcards in the cosmo break room for four hours. Then I went to the Falls Church public library to use the computer and was told I would need a library card. Funny, I haven't had one there since graduate school. And after all these years of trying to get AWAY from there.At the end of the morning I felt drained. Not exhilarated, just as though I had been beaten about and crawling onto shore, just barely.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Less than four hours needed to graduate. Started volunteering at the hospital today. It's nice to be starting something new just as something old ends. Got my ID picture taken. I look fat and sad. No wonder no one wants to hire me. Or date me for that matter.
Less than four hours needed to graduate. Started volunteering at the hospital today. It's nice to be starting something new just as something old ends. Got my ID picture taken. I look fat and sad. No wonder no one wants to hire me. Or date me for that matter.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Monday I made zero dollars in tips. Yesterday I made ten and drove all over half of Fairfax County and spent at least three dollars in tolls. Tonight I made eleven, spent four dollars on parking but nothing on tolls and less on gas.
Monday I made zero dollars in tips. Yesterday I made ten and drove all over half of Fairfax County and spent at least three dollars in tolls. Tonight I made eleven, spent four dollars on parking but nothing on tolls and less on gas.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Britney Spears is #1 of the latest Lycos 5o. Gee, wonder if K-Fed had anything to do with it?
Britney Spears is #1 of the latest Lycos 5o. Gee, wonder if K-Fed had anything to do with it?
Monday, February 05, 2007
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Superbowl XLI starts at 6:30 PM Eastern Time. It airs on CBS Radio and TV. They say more pizzas are delivered on Superbowl Sunday than on any other day of the year. Rebel that I am, I will probably eat Indian.
Superbowl XLI starts at 6:30 PM Eastern Time. It airs on CBS Radio and TV. They say more pizzas are delivered on Superbowl Sunday than on any other day of the year. Rebel that I am, I will probably eat Indian.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
.The water in my bathtub has been going down more and more slowly every day. It started in December when I used it to clean the bottom of Pandora's cage. Then it got to the point in which I ended up ankle-deep after every shower. And I could not see the bottom of the tub. I hate to damage the environment with toxic chemicals so I decided to try thermal means. When running hot tap water down the drain didn't work I tried pouring boiling water out of the tea kettle. And I decided to go slightly chemical by adding the kosher salt I used on the fish tanks, hoping it would dissolve the clog. It didn't.
Then I figured on mechanical means. I went to three different stores looking for plungers. I only found one place which HAD plungers and I thought they were too big/expensive. So I borrowed a plunger from work. I gave the drain a couple major compressions which would have got me an "A" in CPR class. It worked immediately . So there was some schmutz at the bottom of the tub after that, but at least I could SEE the bottom.
Kind of alike a metaphor for my life -- bad stuff backing everything up. Hopefully everything will start flowing better soon.
.The water in my bathtub has been going down more and more slowly every day. It started in December when I used it to clean the bottom of Pandora's cage. Then it got to the point in which I ended up ankle-deep after every shower. And I could not see the bottom of the tub. I hate to damage the environment with toxic chemicals so I decided to try thermal means. When running hot tap water down the drain didn't work I tried pouring boiling water out of the tea kettle. And I decided to go slightly chemical by adding the kosher salt I used on the fish tanks, hoping it would dissolve the clog. It didn't.
Then I figured on mechanical means. I went to three different stores looking for plungers. I only found one place which HAD plungers and I thought they were too big/expensive. So I borrowed a plunger from work. I gave the drain a couple major compressions which would have got me an "A" in CPR class. It worked immediately . So there was some schmutz at the bottom of the tub after that, but at least I could SEE the bottom.
Kind of alike a metaphor for my life -- bad stuff backing everything up. Hopefully everything will start flowing better soon.

Friday, February 02, 2007
Happy Groundhog’s Day!
My beloved Pippin is the closest I have to a real groundhog.
To see pictures of my other pigs click here:
Happy Groundhog’s Day!
My beloved Pippin is the closest I have to a real groundhog.
To see pictures of my other pigs click here:
Thursday, February 01, 2007
And to the unwise, too. Be careful with "natural supplements." A normally reasonable woman I have known for years took "something you're supposed to take before you get your period." She acted/sounded like some who was drunk/had a cold. She kept on saying "I feel bloated." She was okay when I last saw her (I didn't leave her alone.)
And to the unwise, too. Be careful with "natural supplements." A normally reasonable woman I have known for years took "something you're supposed to take before you get your period." She acted/sounded like some who was drunk/had a cold. She kept on saying "I feel bloated." She was okay when I last saw her (I didn't leave her alone.)