I've got that churning-stomach, itching-skin, want to stay in bed feeling. Can't figure out why -- I got an "A" on the final and I have sold more than $470.00 worth of Mary Kay Cosmetics since August.
Jane Hautanen (Jane Doe) attempts to improve her blog, and not doing a very good job of it
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
This mod is one half-over. Yay!
When I came here it was springtime. Now it's fall and it's getting colder and the days are getting shorter. When we graduate it will be in the dead of winter, but at least spring will be on its way.
I got a 98.4 on the finals. It was the highest mark in the class. To celebrate the end of the mod we went to Super Chicken and ordered Peruvian chicken. That stuff is addictive. So are the beans, the yucca and the plantains.

This mod is one half-over. Yay!
When I came here it was springtime. Now it's fall and it's getting colder and the days are getting shorter. When we graduate it will be in the dead of winter, but at least spring will be on its way.
I got a 98.4 on the finals. It was the highest mark in the class. To celebrate the end of the mod we went to Super Chicken and ordered Peruvian chicken. That stuff is addictive. So are the beans, the yucca and the plantains.

Thursday, September 28, 2006
I know I passed, I'm sure I got an "A."
For some reason career services had a presenter from the TSA give a presentation. Gee, that pays even less than what I'm doing now.
I know I passed, I'm sure I got an "A."
For some reason career services had a presenter from the TSA give a presentation. Gee, that pays even less than what I'm doing now.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Or maybe that should read "finals tomorrow, studying tonight." We have finals in less than 24 hours. I just saw a Cheerios spot on TV. A guy older than me is telling his son (grandson?) he has to prepare for his cholesterol test so he's eating Cheerios. Yeah, that's something else I have to do. Evidently the friendly folks at General Mills now have something called "Fruity Cheerios." Maybe I should eat them instead of donuts.

Or maybe that should read "finals tomorrow, studying tonight." We have finals in less than 24 hours. I just saw a Cheerios spot on TV. A guy older than me is telling his son (grandson?) he has to prepare for his cholesterol test so he's eating Cheerios. Yeah, that's something else I have to do. Evidently the friendly folks at General Mills now have something called "Fruity Cheerios." Maybe I should eat them instead of donuts.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I think I finally figured out that's true. It's good to be on my couch with the pigs in their pen. Not rich, not famous, not beautiful, not even liked, just home.
I think I finally figured out that's true. It's good to be on my couch with the pigs in their pen. Not rich, not famous, not beautiful, not even liked, just home.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Nobody killed anybody. We are learning which toes not to tread on, which buttons not to push, which raw nerves not to touch. And I sold over $280 worth of Mary Kay cosmetics.
Nobody killed anybody. We are learning which toes not to tread on, which buttons not to push, which raw nerves not to touch. And I sold over $280 worth of Mary Kay cosmetics.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
.Only one week left in this mod. At first I doubted my ability to master the academic part, or the theory. Then I worried about my ability to handle the physical demands, or the practice. Then I worried about my ability to combine theory and practice. It seemed I was getting everything wrong, then they called me into the clinic. I’m not even supposed to be there for almost another two months.
The guy was smiling and he gave me a more than 25% tip. I’d like to think he wasn’t just being polite.
Next Friday four of us will be halfway through. Mom sez we’ll celebrate Sunday.
.Only one week left in this mod. At first I doubted my ability to master the academic part, or the theory. Then I worried about my ability to handle the physical demands, or the practice. Then I worried about my ability to combine theory and practice. It seemed I was getting everything wrong, then they called me into the clinic. I’m not even supposed to be there for almost another two months.
The guy was smiling and he gave me a more than 25% tip. I’d like to think he wasn’t just being polite.
Next Friday four of us will be halfway through. Mom sez we’ll celebrate Sunday.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
...I come looking for a job, But I get no offers, Just a come-on from the whores On Seventh Avenue."
Paul Simon/Art Garfunkel
I'm not even asking for wages for G-d's sake. Okay, and Georgetown does want me in its volunteer program, but the question is whether the school will approve the program.
At least I got my immunization records from the University of Florida. That part was disturbingly easy.
...I come looking for a job, But I get no offers, Just a come-on from the whores On Seventh Avenue."
Paul Simon/Art Garfunkel
I'm not even asking for wages for G-d's sake. Okay, and Georgetown does want me in its volunteer program, but the question is whether the school will approve the program.
At least I got my immunization records from the University of Florida. That part was disturbingly easy.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
My father used to say psyche majors were looking for a cheap cure -- they were so fucked up themselves. Ruben commented on how tight my back muscles are. Maybe that's why I want to be an MT. I got an e-mail from my first love today. He sez "do what you want to do and you'll be better at it than most." I am already good at massage therapy, at least the academic part, but the problem is it's not what I really want to do.
My father used to say psyche majors were looking for a cheap cure -- they were so fucked up themselves. Ruben commented on how tight my back muscles are. Maybe that's why I want to be an MT. I got an e-mail from my first love today. He sez "do what you want to do and you'll be better at it than most." I am already good at massage therapy, at least the academic part, but the problem is it's not what I really want to do.
Monday, September 18, 2006
And I thought of you. As tempting as it is, I'm not adding any graphics to this one.
And I thought of you. As tempting as it is, I'm not adding any graphics to this one.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Five months left until my last day of school. Actually slightly less than that according to the Timeleft countdown clock.
Five months left until my last day of school. Actually slightly less than that according to the Timeleft countdown clock.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Only two weeks left in this mod. Sometimes I doubt my ability to pass the written exam, other times I wonder whether I have the physical strength and endurance to make a go of it. And I worry about wrecking my body and rendering myself disabled.
Only two weeks left in this mod. Sometimes I doubt my ability to pass the written exam, other times I wonder whether I have the physical strength and endurance to make a go of it. And I worry about wrecking my body and rendering myself disabled.
For a reunion. My elementary school is holding its centennial celebration tomorrow.
For a reunion. My elementary school is holding its centennial celebration tomorrow.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
No, not what you think. Last night baby Pandora was like a pig on crack or speed or something like that. I had to feed her by hand. Evidently it was gas. She seems to be doing better now. I thought I would lose her. Maybe the universe doesn't hate me.
No, not what you think. Last night baby Pandora was like a pig on crack or speed or something like that. I had to feed her by hand. Evidently it was gas. She seems to be doing better now. I thought I would lose her. Maybe the universe doesn't hate me.
ABC reports researchers have come up with a bionic arm they hope will help wounded veterans. Hmmmm, maybe if we got out of Iraq there would be fewer casualties?
ABC reports researchers have come up with a bionic arm they hope will help wounded veterans. Hmmmm, maybe if we got out of Iraq there would be fewer casualties?
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
We had Tammy's baby shower today. She and Eric are happy and I'm happy for them. I wonder whether I should have got married/had kids?
We had Tammy's baby shower today. She and Eric are happy and I'm happy for them. I wonder whether I should have got married/had kids?
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
Uh, sorry, that should be Redskins. WTOP reports they lost their first regular-season game to the Vikings tonight, 19-16. Is the fact that our school provides them with massages anything?
Uh, sorry, that should be Redskins. WTOP reports they lost their first regular-season game to the Vikings tonight, 19-16. Is the fact that our school provides them with massages anything?
To see what I was doing five years ago click here and scroll down to September 11th.

To see what I was doing five years ago click here and scroll down to September 11th.

Saturday, September 09, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
This mod is half-over. Thank G-d. We had midterms this week. As far as I know all of us passed and most of us aced them. I got a 100 or close enuff. For the past two weeks we have been talking about poop. Next week we will learn about urine.
This mod is half-over. Thank G-d. We had midterms this week. As far as I know all of us passed and most of us aced them. I got a 100 or close enuff. For the past two weeks we have been talking about poop. Next week we will learn about urine.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
We have midterms tomorrow. Prayers, good thoughts, naked moonlight dances appreciated.
Channel 7 reports there was a carjacking about a mile from our school. Don't think I was anywhere near there when it happened.
We have midterms tomorrow. Prayers, good thoughts, naked moonlight dances appreciated.
Channel 7 reports there was a carjacking about a mile from our school. Don't think I was anywhere near there when it happened.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Last week the subject of coffee enemas came up and Ziggy wanted to know whether they were flavoured. Sick, sick, sick.
A friend of Kevin's father was found dead giving himself a vodka enema. Evidently you get more kick from the vodka if you take it rectally. I looked up dexamethasone in Mom's PDR and saw you can take that in enema form. Talk about a kick in the head, so to speak.
Last week the subject of coffee enemas came up and Ziggy wanted to know whether they were flavoured. Sick, sick, sick.
A friend of Kevin's father was found dead giving himself a vodka enema. Evidently you get more kick from the vodka if you take it rectally. I looked up dexamethasone in Mom's PDR and saw you can take that in enema form. Talk about a kick in the head, so to speak.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
Channel 4 reports a Bethesda psychiatrist who specialized in psychoses was killed by someone else's patient. And Mom worries about what my clients will do to me.
janedoe@seductive.com .
Channel 4 reports a Bethesda psychiatrist who specialized in psychoses was killed by someone else's patient. And Mom worries about what my clients will do to me.
janedoe@seductive.com .
The label on the wastebasket in the Smooth Jazz control room sez "smooth trash."
The label on the wastebasket in the Smooth Jazz control room sez "smooth trash."
Yesterday after church some of us went to Trio for dinner. I didn't go, as I had to work, but went along on the walk as a way of communicating with other human beings. One of the women sez she's teaching math now so all she deals with are numbers. I look at, touch and read about other human beings every day but to me terms like "vastus lateralis" and "serratus anterior" are just words on paper.
Yesterday after church some of us went to Trio for dinner. I didn't go, as I had to work, but went along on the walk as a way of communicating with other human beings. One of the women sez she's teaching math now so all she deals with are numbers. I look at, touch and read about other human beings every day but to me terms like "vastus lateralis" and "serratus anterior" are just words on paper.
Happy Labour Day!
No school today and I finish labouring in less than three hours. Woot!
Happy Labour Day!
No school today and I finish labouring in less than three hours. Woot!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Yesterday I was watching an infomercial on Newschannel 8 on cosmetic dentistry. Actually it was neuromuscular dentistry, too. The guy talked about bite problems that can cause all kinds of pain. And he showed pictures of the insides of a patient’s mouth – all angles. It was pretty oogy.
Yesterday I was watching an infomercial on Newschannel 8 on cosmetic dentistry. Actually it was neuromuscular dentistry, too. The guy talked about bite problems that can cause all kinds of pain. And he showed pictures of the insides of a patient’s mouth – all angles. It was pretty oogy.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Francis came up with that term. It describes various radio and TV infomercials dealing with various bodily functions, usually unpleasant ones. I used to like to have my snack towards the end of my morning shift but the poop shows killed that. Yesterday I was running the board for Prager who usually doesn't get gross but recently he's been hawking some kind of magnesium supplement and describing its laxative effects. I was eating a slice of pizza at the time. One can never win.
Francis came up with that term. It describes various radio and TV infomercials dealing with various bodily functions, usually unpleasant ones. I used to like to have my snack towards the end of my morning shift but the poop shows killed that. Yesterday I was running the board for Prager who usually doesn't get gross but recently he's been hawking some kind of magnesium supplement and describing its laxative effects. I was eating a slice of pizza at the time. One can never win.
I was telling Mom I was looking forward to losing weight on Synthroid. She said "you might." Jeez, why else take it? Oh, I guess to get my cholesterol down. And look and feel better otherwise.
I was telling Mom I was looking forward to losing weight on Synthroid. She said "you might." Jeez, why else take it? Oh, I guess to get my cholesterol down. And look and feel better otherwise.
Friday, September 01, 2006
.This mod is now one-third over. And about five and a half months left until the official last day of school. Not that I'm not enjoying it, but... I guess I didn't mention it, but it was ten years ago on August 23rd that I bought my condo. Who knew that within those ten years I would go through multiple jobs, multiple relationships, be robbed and lose several family members? But then I am thinking of buying another condo at the beach so that's progress. We got off early on account of Hurricane Ernesto. Kind of like an early start to our holiday.
.This mod is now one-third over. And about five and a half months left until the official last day of school. Not that I'm not enjoying it, but... I guess I didn't mention it, but it was ten years ago on August 23rd that I bought my condo. Who knew that within those ten years I would go through multiple jobs, multiple relationships, be robbed and lose several family members? But then I am thinking of buying another condo at the beach so that's progress. We got off early on account of Hurricane Ernesto. Kind of like an early start to our holiday.