Poker is #1 of the lastest Lycos 50.
Jane Hautanen (Jane Doe) attempts to improve her blog, and not doing a very good job of it
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!
To see demonic vampire pigs, click here:
and here:
and here:
Tonight I filled in for one of my Evangelical co-workers who wanted the night off for Halloween. That's fucked up. I drove home thru Georgetown and there were people still in costumes. All these years I read about rich young, beautiful people and their parties and I never got to go. I was either working, studying, or stuck in my dorm/apartment because I had no rich, young beautiful friends. By the time I have enough money and free time there will be no single people my age.
Happy Halloween!
To see demonic vampire pigs, click here:
and here:
and here:
Tonight I filled in for one of my Evangelical co-workers who wanted the night off for Halloween. That's fucked up. I drove home thru Georgetown and there were people still in costumes. All these years I read about rich young, beautiful people and their parties and I never got to go. I was either working, studying, or stuck in my dorm/apartment because I had no rich, young beautiful friends. By the time I have enough money and free time there will be no single people my age.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Couldn't sleep, went to 7 AM mass, stopped at Mac's for breakfast, at Krispy Kreme for donuts. Bought myself some candy at CVS and got carrots for the pigs at Whole Foods. Did a couple loads of laundry, got my hair cut, had dinner at China Cafe.
Couldn't sleep, went to 7 AM mass, stopped at Mac's for breakfast, at Krispy Kreme for donuts. Bought myself some candy at CVS and got carrots for the pigs at Whole Foods. Did a couple loads of laundry, got my hair cut, had dinner at China Cafe.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
ABC reports the St. Louis Cardinals took the World Series from the Detroit Tigers. Ok, so that was yesterday.....
ABC reports the St. Louis Cardinals took the World Series from the Detroit Tigers. Ok, so that was yesterday.....
Friday, October 27, 2006
.Two weeks until clinic. Two weeks and two mods until graduation. Instead of having our usual Friday quiz we had the graduation ceremony. At least three or four of my original classmates graduated and two won awards. At least one has taken her boards. That's encouraging.
.Two weeks until clinic. Two weeks and two mods until graduation. Instead of having our usual Friday quiz we had the graduation ceremony. At least three or four of my original classmates graduated and two won awards. At least one has taken her boards. That's encouraging.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
I seem to have hit a bump. Or a hump? Academically, financially, professionally, romantically. The question is, what do I do? Try to get out of it, running the risk of digging myself deeper into a hole? Hoping the bump will flatten itself out? Hoping a tow truck will arrive soon? Or even a guy on a camel?
I seem to have hit a bump. Or a hump? Academically, financially, professionally, romantically. The question is, what do I do? Try to get out of it, running the risk of digging myself deeper into a hole? Hoping the bump will flatten itself out? Hoping a tow truck will arrive soon? Or even a guy on a camel?

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
MSN reports Danny Harold Rolling was executed in Starke today. As much as I oppose the death penalty, if there were a candidate for it he would be one of them.
He used to hang out at the Krispy Kreme in my neighbourhood. North Central Florida is not a place to find a career or a man.
MSN reports Danny Harold Rolling was executed in Starke today. As much as I oppose the death penalty, if there were a candidate for it he would be one of them.
He used to hang out at the Krispy Kreme in my neighbourhood. North Central Florida is not a place to find a career or a man.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Finally had midterms, but won't get our grades until tomorrow. About a week ago Al told us about the Chinese water torture test. Mom told Brian and me about it years ago. She compared it to dealing with Grandma. This is kind of the same thing.
After my last post I had another dream. I think it was Munich but there was at least one Wilmington person in it. I dream a lot about Wilmington. And Munich. And streets. And streetcars. And streetcar tracks.
Finally had midterms, but won't get our grades until tomorrow. About a week ago Al told us about the Chinese water torture test. Mom told Brian and me about it years ago. She compared it to dealing with Grandma. This is kind of the same thing.
After my last post I had another dream. I think it was Munich but there was at least one Wilmington person in it. I dream a lot about Wilmington. And Munich. And streets. And streetcars. And streetcar tracks.
Didn't go to church yesterday, slept about five hours, woke up about two hours ago. I dreamt I was in Wilmington. In a lot of my dreams Wilmington has kind of a "noir" look to it. I was at my old job and delighted to be there -- some of the other people who had left were back there, too. Then I was in a nice clean, white twin bed. I thought "this feels like a hospital bed. Am I in a hospital? Am I dreaming?"
Didn't go to church yesterday, slept about five hours, woke up about two hours ago. I dreamt I was in Wilmington. In a lot of my dreams Wilmington has kind of a "noir" look to it. I was at my old job and delighted to be there -- some of the other people who had left were back there, too. Then I was in a nice clean, white twin bed. I thought "this feels like a hospital bed. Am I in a hospital? Am I dreaming?"

Sunday, October 22, 2006
Not to be confused with Dead Man Farting, see November 18. Ziggy could not find a pulse in either one of my arms. I told her no one can. She called me a "walking dead woman." This is especially bad in hospital emergency rooms. My worst nightmare is that I will be found dead in a ditch and no one will be able to detect any vital signs. Ziggy suggests sitting up and saying "boo" and scaring the shit out of them.
Not to be confused with Dead Man Farting, see November 18. Ziggy could not find a pulse in either one of my arms. I told her no one can. She called me a "walking dead woman." This is especially bad in hospital emergency rooms. My worst nightmare is that I will be found dead in a ditch and no one will be able to detect any vital signs. Ziggy suggests sitting up and saying "boo" and scaring the shit out of them.

Saturday, October 21, 2006
Former UPI correspondent Pye Chamberlayne died at his Virginia home this morning. He was 68. Ebbi was right -- I AM the most boring woman he ever met. Or at least the most depressing.
Former UPI correspondent Pye Chamberlayne died at his Virginia home this morning. He was 68. Ebbi was right -- I AM the most boring woman he ever met. Or at least the most depressing.
Friday, October 20, 2006
This mod is now half over, even though we haven't had midterms yet. Three weeks until clinic. At first I was concerned about being able to handle things intellectually. Then I worried about being able to handle it physically. Now I worry about being able to give a really GOOD deep-tissue massage to ensure big tips..
This mod is now half over, even though we haven't had midterms yet. Three weeks until clinic. At first I was concerned about being able to handle things intellectually. Then I worried about being able to handle it physically. Now I worry about being able to give a really GOOD deep-tissue massage to ensure big tips..
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
.Well, the person who organizes our internships up and quit. So now I am back to square one. This probably means I can kiss the Georgetown internship goodbye. Which means I will probalby end up interning for some crappy chiropractor in Darnestown whom nobody ever heard of. Or somewhere in Baltimore or Southeast DC where I will end up being knifed. I have to keep tellin myself this is nothing I did.
.Well, the person who organizes our internships up and quit. So now I am back to square one. This probably means I can kiss the Georgetown internship goodbye. Which means I will probalby end up interning for some crappy chiropractor in Darnestown whom nobody ever heard of. Or somewhere in Baltimore or Southeast DC where I will end up being knifed. I have to keep tellin myself this is nothing I did.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Phillies organist Paul Richardson died over a week ago. I knew him through his wife, Dee. I remember when Dee's first husband died and I was in the midst of various boyfriend crises. It seems like such a short time ago, even though it was over fifteen years ago that Lloyd died. Yet it seems like such a LONG time ago that I started school.
Phillies organist Paul Richardson died over a week ago. I knew him through his wife, Dee. I remember when Dee's first husband died and I was in the midst of various boyfriend crises. It seems like such a short time ago, even though it was over fifteen years ago that Lloyd died. Yet it seems like such a LONG time ago that I started school.
Monday, October 16, 2006
.Four months until the last day of school. Actually it's a little less than that now.
.Four months until the last day of school. Actually it's a little less than that now.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
This mod is one-third over. One month until clinic. We got our grades -- I still have an "A" average. Didn't do so well on the latest quiz but I was still the best. Al compared me to the tards who share our facilities. Not sure whether I wrote about them before -- we have to keep the blinds down because they like to watch us massage each other.
This mod is one-third over. One month until clinic. We got our grades -- I still have an "A" average. Didn't do so well on the latest quiz but I was still the best. Al compared me to the tards who share our facilities. Not sure whether I wrote about them before -- we have to keep the blinds down because they like to watch us massage each other.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Went to bed at 3:30 AM, didn't fall asleep until 7:30, got up at 10:30. Dragged myself into Starbucks. The guy gave me my latte free, saying "you need this more than I do."
Went to bed at 3:30 AM, didn't fall asleep until 7:30, got up at 10:30. Dragged myself into Starbucks. The guy gave me my latte free, saying "you need this more than I do."
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Cousin Charles writes to Mom "Jane looks very much like you did at her age. What's wrong with the young men that encounter her that they cannot see her beauty? Shame on them!!" I did a massage in the clinic and got a $6.00 tip and a favourable write-up. Al won a coupon for a free soft drink at Mac's and let me have it. I got a parking space directly in front of my building entrance and found I have enough bonus miles for a flight to Puerto Rico.
Cousin Charles writes to Mom "Jane looks very much like you did at her age. What's wrong with the young men that encounter her that they cannot see her beauty? Shame on them!!" I did a massage in the clinic and got a $6.00 tip and a favourable write-up. Al won a coupon for a free soft drink at Mac's and let me have it. I got a parking space directly in front of my building entrance and found I have enough bonus miles for a flight to Puerto Rico.
Monday, October 09, 2006
We did not have work (at least I didn't) but we did have school.
In fifth grade our social studies book referred to Christopher Columbus as "a brave Italian." At least now people still agree he was Italian.
We did not have work (at least I didn't) but we did have school.
In fifth grade our social studies book referred to Christopher Columbus as "a brave Italian." At least now people still agree he was Italian.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Click here for Leesburg Today. I may to to the Waterford Fair today if I'm not too tired.
Click here for Leesburg Today. I may to to the Waterford Fair today if I'm not too tired.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Uncle Joe has bookmarked my Mary Kay page. Not sure whether he has bookmarked my homepage or any of my other pages. As he does not have his own I cannot return the compliment.
Uncle Joe has bookmarked my Mary Kay page. Not sure whether he has bookmarked my homepage or any of my other pages. As he does not have his own I cannot return the compliment.

Friday, October 06, 2006
.Five weeks left in this mod. Five weeks until clinic. There was a bunch of stuff on this week’s quiz I swear we never went over in class.
Lizbeth is in clinic now and we have a new white person in our class. I am not the only white person anymore, but I am still the whitest.
.Five weeks left in this mod. Five weeks until clinic. There was a bunch of stuff on this week’s quiz I swear we never went over in class.
Lizbeth is in clinic now and we have a new white person in our class. I am not the only white person anymore, but I am still the whitest.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The Y-Hope Foundation is holding its Make-over for the Cure fundraiser tomorrow, complete with chair massages.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The Y-Hope Foundation is holding its Make-over for the Cure fundraiser tomorrow, complete with chair massages.
The Alexandria shelter, from whence cometh my beloved Pippin and Pandora, is holding its annual Canine Games tomorrow. You can also vote for Pippin and Pandora in the Pets of Alexandria Calendar contest there if you haven't already. For final weather updates on the games call 703-838-4774.
The Alexandria shelter, from whence cometh my beloved Pippin and Pandora, is holding its annual Canine Games tomorrow. You can also vote for Pippin and Pandora in the Pets of Alexandria Calendar contest there if you haven't already. For final weather updates on the games call 703-838-4774.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Since I signed on with Mary Kay in August I have made more than $500.00 in retail sales.
Since I signed on with Mary Kay in August I have made more than $500.00 in retail sales.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The author of Metameat, from whence cometh the insipration for this blog and probably my other blogs, gives some advice for relieving stress. See the October 3rd entry.