FROM A NEW VIEWPOINTSaw the endocrinologist today. My blood pressure was 106/54. He put me on synthroid. It's the first time I entered a hospital wearing scrubs. It felt different. I wonder whether people looked at me differently.
Are germ factories. At least I blame them for my latest set of what I will politely call flu-like symptoms.
At work they got me a surprise birthday cake. I won't say what I wish for but I KNOW I will be doing something more lucrative in a year from now. Even it it's waitressing.
EYE BOOGERSTonight we learned that the plica semilunaris is what makes eye boogers. It is things like that that keep me in skool.
MYSPACE #1Myspace is #1 of the latest Lycos 50.
SLOW NEWS NIGHTWJLA TV reports the old Wilson Bridge has officially been demolished. Or at least they started on it. There are actually yahoos standing there cheering. Zzzzzzzzz.Some guy from Maryland got to push the button to start the demolition. If they ever demolish the intersection of Connecticut Avenue and East-West Highway I want to do
I hold you in my armsas the band playsWhat are those words whispered babyjust as you turn awayI saw you last nightout on the edge of townI wanna read your mindTo know just what I've got in this new thing I've foundSo tell me what I seewhen I look in your eyesIs that you babyor just a brilliant disguiseI heard somebody call your namefrom underneath our willowI saw something tucked in shameunderneath your pillowWell I've tried so hard babybut I just can't seeWhat a woman like youis doing with meSo tell me who I seewhen I look in your eyesIs that you babyor just a brilliant disguiseNow look at me babystruggling to do everything rightAnd then it all falls apartwhen out go the lightsI'm just a lonely pilgrimI walk this world in wealthI want to know if it's you I don't trust'cause I damn sure don't trust myselfNow you play the loving womanI'll play the faithful manBut just don't look too closeinto the palm of my handWe stood at the alterthe gypsy swore our future was rightBut come the wee wee hoursWell maybe baby the gypsy liedSo when you look at meyou better look hard and look twiceIs that me babyor just a brilliant disguiseTonight our bed is coldI'm lost in the darkness of our loveGod have mercy on the manWho doubts what he's sure ofBruce SpringsteenA song from the Jersey Shore. Every time I go I swear I'm not coming back home. They say sea water is incredibly close to human blood. Or maybe it's the other way around.
GONE FISHIN’Or sunbathin.’ Or shoppin.’
SUNDAY PAPERClick here for the Ocean City Gazette. Ok, so it actually comes out Wednesdays. I'm going there today.
"CHEAP IS EXPENSIVE"That's what Aunt Ellen's MIL used to say, and she was right. I spent three bucks on an eyebrow wax from a fellow student and now I look as though I have second-degree burns above my eyes. Maybe people will think it's some new ultra-high-fashion highlighting technique.
WEEK 18 Or "Waiting for bombardments." “Suspended in the mist over Berchtesgaden. Caught in the folds of Chamberlain's umbrella. In Spain there was Guernica! Here there were dance halls, bars, liquor, hot swing music, and sex that hung in the gloom like a chandelier. All the world was waiting for bombardments."
Tennessee Williams
This mod is one-sixth over. Yay! Yes, I am waiting for bombardments. My life is unanswered phone calls and e-mails, wrong numbers on my caller ID, little snail mail except bills. Dianne told me this would be a time of growth, change and development but not necessarily fast. It seems as though EVERYONE’S on vacation, kinda like France. The Manson murders took place in August. And World War II started then, too
NINTH ROCK FROM THE SUNThe International Astronomical Union says Pluto is no longer a planet. In fourth grade the mnemonic we learned for the nine planets was "my very educated mother just served us nine pumpkins." I guess now it would be "my very educated mother just served us nothing." Science marches on.
GARDEN PARTYWe had the annual condo garden party tonight. I donated two Mary Kay goody bags and a gift certificate. Now we'll see what happens.
I have been feeling blue. I guess because none of my jobs are bringing in much money, no one seems to want to buy my Mary Kay stuff and I'm training for a career which will bring financial satisfaction but not much psychic income. And because the only time the phone rang all day was the Washington Piss guy calling to tell me I filled out my last payment check wrong. And only guys to whom I feel no attraction are e-mailing.
On the bright side, Win treated us to Starbucks and Sarah says I may get to do some tutoring.
MY SHIPMENT HAS COME IN IIMy Mary Kay business cards and stickers have arrived. I feel better. Now all I have to do is sell this stuff. I have almost a year in which to do it. As luck would have it, both my dermatologist and my GP are on vacation. My GP's partner did return my call and told me to stay on the Doxycycline.
MYSPACE is #1 of the latest Lycos50.
A NEW MODThere are now eight of us in our class, nine if you include the teacher. Mike is gone -- he has switched to X-ray technician or personal training, I forget which. I am the whitest person in our class, in fact the only white person. Except for Pierre I am the only one who speaks English as her native language -- I presume Pierre's native language is English. I am feeling kind of punk tonight. It must be an allergy or a virus as I am on an antibiotic already. Also it comes from people not returning my phone calls/emails and the hundreds of dollars' worth of Mary Kay stuff in my bedroom. I keep telling myself "be patient, your business cards and stickers haven't arrived yet so you can't really start selling the stuff anyway." And "give yourself a year. You can get 90% of your money back if you act in time."
Then Susan said "Good luck... and remember, the more people you talk to, the better you will become... You will make plenty of mistakes, but (what I always like to say is) Thank goodness I'll never make that mistake for the first time again! Enjoy the journey... go out to enrich women's lives, to make people's lives better... not to sell products... and you will find that they will want what you have... with your massage, give them all you've got... and with that wonderful touch, they will want whatever it is you are putting on them to remind them of when they got that massage.And remember that there are a lot of people who NEVER get touched... you have a ministry to touch (no pun intended!) people's lives... I know you are going to be great! Just be patient with yourself... you will get out of it what you put into it...Remember, like Mary Kay always said... make other's feel important... that is the secret to ALL success involving people. Get the focus off ME and onto the other.You can do it, Jane!"And a guy e-mailed me back after two
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, BILL!Bill Clinton was 60 years old yesterday. I saw him on Newschannel 8 -- he looks much more animated than he did a year ago. I wouldn't have given a plugged nickel for his recover then. He and I have two things in common -- we are both Leos with Libra rising and we both have rosacea.
SUNDAY PAPERClick here for the Provincetown Banner.
THE INTERNSHIP.In order to graduate we are required to do an unpaid internship. I figure if I don't get paid I want to intern somewhere that looks good on a resume, is fun or leads to lucrative employment. Or at least someplace where I wouldn't mind using their hot tub.
My first choice is Georgetown. The head of volunteer services says we need at least one recommendation saying why we would make good volunteers. I asked the head of the coronary care unit and said it was ok even if he said something like "she keeps her appointments, she speaks English and she hasn't exhibited any psychotic behaviour."
WEEK 17.We had finals. All of us passed. Two mods down, four to go.
MY SHIPMENT HAS COME IN!. Not my ship, but at least my shipment. My Mary Kay stuff arrived. All five boxes. I am giving a ten to twenty per cent discount to anyone who orders before Sept 15th .
LESS THAN SIX MONTHSIn light of the recent tragedy I did not want to post anything lighthearted yesterday, but we now have less than six months until our official last day of school. Woot!
RAMSEY MURDER ARRESTABC News reports there's been an arrest in the Jon Benet Ramsey murder case. There has been too much about children dying recently. Today in class Shirl mentioned victims' compensation. It brought back memories of the
THE LITTLE GIRL DIEDNewschannel 8 reports the little girl died this morning. Authorities are charging the boyfriend with murder.
TRAGEDY IN OUR SCHOOL Officials have charged the boyfriend of one of our students with the malicious wounding of her three-year-old daughter. The child has nine life-threatening injuries including a torn pancreas and swelling of the brain, which the police say "none of which could be self-inflicted." I was in Delaware when the story broke. We are taking up a collection for the mother, who evidently does not have insurance.
Hezbollah and Israelis are #1 of the latest Lycos 50. I really need to find a better search engine.
FUN FACTSNormal healthy human beings have three lobes in their right lungs but only two in the left lung.
ISN'T IT DELICIOUS......To be a birthday child?"
Rose Fyleman
Spent part of the day in Delaware. The good news is I don't have lupus. The bad news is I have rosacea. The good news is my auto insurance is paid up. The bad news is a piece of broken taillight hit my side view matter. The good news is no one was hurt.I was feeling kinda bummed, thinking of how old I am and how I'm massaging horny fat guys and selling bath and body products. I didn't starve myself and take dancing lessons and get a master's degree for this. Then I went to Fran's. She's 85. She told me she didn't start teaching until she was 48 and taught until she was 65. So I still have time. Fuckhead made up a birthday song for me called "Happy Birthday, Bitch." It could be a rap song.
PLASMA NOTESMy latest set of notes have been saved as "Plasma." As a CMT I will not have to know much about blood, other than not to massage a client who is bleeding, not to bleed onto a client and not to make a client bleed. Kind of like an early childhood education major I knew who was fuming over chemistry -- "what do I have to tell the kids about acid? Don't play with acid? Don't get acid on the dog?"
SUNDAY PAPERClick here for the Indianapolis Star.
HOW TO DRAW GENITALIAAnd other courses our school is offering next mod: Self ImprovementSI 100 Creative SufferingSI 101 Overcoming Peace of MindSI 102 You and Your BirthmarkSI 103 Guilt without SexSI 104 The Primal ShrugSI 105 Ego Gratification Through ViolenceSI 106 Dealing with Post-Realisation DepressionSI 107 Whining Your Way to AlienationSI 108 Moulding Your Child's Behaviour Through Guilt and Fear
SI 109 How to Overcome Self Doubt Through Pretentiousness and OstentationBusiness and CareerBC 101 Money Can Make You RichBC 102 Packaging and Selling Your ChildBC 103 Career Opportunities in BeirutBC 104 How To Profit From Your Own BodyBC 105 Underachievers Guide to Very Small Business OpportunitiesBC 106 Looters Guide to CitiesCraftsC 101 Self Actualisation Through MacrameC 102 How to Draw GenitaliaC 103 Needlecraft for JunkiesC 104 Gifts for the SenileC 105 Bonsai your ParrotC 106 Rearrange your MateHome EconomicsHE 101 Cultivating Viruses in your RefridgeratorHE 102 Burgular Proof your Home with ConcreteHE 103 Sinus Drainage in your Own HomeHE 104 Basic Kitchen TaxidermyHE 105 Convert your Wheelchair into a Dune BuggyHE 106 1001 other uses for your Vacuum CleanerHE 107 How to Convert your Granny's Flat into a GarageHealth and FitnessHF 101 Creative Tooth DecayHF 102 Exorcism and EczemaHF 103 The Joys of HypochondriaHF 104 High Fibre SexHF 105 Suicide and your HealthHF 106 Biofeedback and How to Stop ItHF 107 Understanding NudityHF 108 Optional Body FunctionsHF 109 Rhythm and Regular Movement with PrunesHF 110 Tap Dance your way to Social Ridicule (Just kidding)
CHRISTMAS IN AUGUSTRenewed my vehicle registration at the DC DMV. The little slip I got said "estimated wait time two hours and one minute" or something like that. I got waited on in well under that and out in a couple minutes after that. As Betty Smith wrote in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, it was almost as good as getting a birthday present.
WEEK 16Sweet 16. We started practicals tonight. On Tuesday I will find out whether I've passed. I only got one wrong on the practice quiz. The weather is absolutely gorgeous. Except for a couple hours Sunday I hope to not have to work again until
BE UNDRESSED READY MY ANGELThat's what people used to say "Burma" stood for. Except now it's called Myanmar. Tonight we had a substitute teacher from Myanmar who said Tylenol is unknown in his country -- people there prefer wholistic remedies. Except according to the World Health Organization the average Myanmarian man has a life expectancy of about 19 years less than that of the average American man. So can we say Tylenol saves lives?During the '80's people were putting cyanide into extra-strength Tylenol. One high school got in trouble for a homecoming float that said "Tylenol the Tigers," showing a dead tiger. I had some Tylenol I got from the infirmary. I took them one at a time just to see what would happen.
GOING PINK. Well, I have become a Mary Kay consultant. It started out as a joke. One night in class we were talking about clients who smell gamey and I suggested giving them some bath gel or deodorant or something like that. Then I figured, "why not profit off of it and SELL them some bath gel?" Ed sez "are you sure you're not Jewish?"
HEZBOLLAH AND ISRAELIS #1Hezbollah and Israelis are #1 of the latest Lycos 50. I am gonna have to find a better search engine. Dean is getting pretty sloppy about his updates.
MY EXTRA-CREDIT PROJECTMedicinal Properties of Herbs1) Angelica: Anemia, heart health, immunity 2) Astragalus Healing infections, heart health 3) Burdock: Immune support, healing 4) Cayenne: Lowers cholesterol, supports circulation5) Chamomile: Healing, relaxing 6) Cinnamon: Healing, antiseptic, labour-inducing, fights some infections 7) Dong Quai: Labour-inducing, purifies blood, treats anemia8) Echinacea: Fights infection, boosts immunity 9) Ephedra: Also known as "ma huang," raises blood pressure and heart rate 10) Fennel: Fights some infections11) Garlic: Lowers Blood Pressure, cholesterol12) Gentian: Fights some infections13) Ginger: Calming, improves circulation (wild ginger is a stimulant)14) Gingko Biloba: Aids blood flow15) Ginseng: All forms, American, Korean and Siberian, help immune system. American lowers cholesterol, Siberian aids circulation16) Goldenseal: Heals, builds immunity 17) Hawthorne: Lowers blood pressure, cholesterol, aids processing of nutrients18) Juniper: Fights infections, stimulates nephrons 19) Licorice: Treats coughs, digestive upsets, raises blood pressure20) Lobelia: Relaxing, soothing21) Marshmallow: Relieves some infections, soothing, promotes healing22) Mistletoe: Lowers blood pressure, strengthens heart, believed to have spiritual, healing powers, is toxic, especially to pets. 23) Mullein: Calming, soothing24) Parsley: Leaves, roots and seeds are a diuretic, roots may reduce infections, seeds may increase circulation 25) St. John's Wort: diuretic, treats varicose veins, hemorrhoids, bruises26) Sassafras: Diuretic, may purify blood, fight infections 27) Sarsparilla: Cleanses blood, may fight infections 28) Skullcap: Strengthens heart muscle, circulation, fights infections29) Turmeric: Lowers cholesterol, fights clots, bruises, fights some infections 30) Valerian: Calming, diuretic 31) Yarrow: Relaxes blood vessels, promotes circulation 32) Yellow Dock: Treats anemias, purifies blood
WISHFUL THINKINGA conversation with the guy who gives me sex toys/dirty books every birthday/Chanukah:Me: Guess what I've become? Dirty Guy: A heterosexual? Oh, that hurts.
SUNDAY PAPERClick here for Granma Internacional.
THE RICE TREATMENTNo, it does not refer to putting rice into a sock, microwaving it and placing it on an injured area. It stands for Rest
ElevationSomebody dropped a cup or a bowl or something on the kitchen floor and our crack cleaning crew didn't get it all. One of the little shards got into my foot and evidently hit a bleeder. This was about seven minutes before the beginning of my shift. I managed to hobble into the control room and sit on a countertop with my foot elevated. What was embarrassing was how nasty my feet looked, especially my toenails.
An interesting fact: both Google and Altavista searches of the word "rice" turned up pictures of Condoleeza Rice (smacks self on forehead)
WEEK 15.
This mod is now two-thirds over, but who's counting? The other day Shirl asked us to list at least one positive thing and one negative thing, if any, that will happen when we become CMT's. I did not list "meeting hot guys with disposable income" as one of the positives or negatives for that matter.
Five positive things:
1) I will become financially solvent -- not living hand-to-mouth, able to pay off the huge bills I've racked up in the last five and a half years, put aside some for retirement and help my mother (not that she needs it)
2) I will become more empowered, not having to depend on Craig and his list or the public relations work which I hate more than death itself.
3) I will be healthier. I will get more sleep and eat less fast food. Not only will I be able to afford healthier food, I will be more motivated to buy it and cook it. I will also have more time for doctor's and dentist's appointments and not have to think twice about tests, medications, procedures etc. Hmmm, I could also get a job at a health club and get to work out there for free, too.
4) I will be professionally more diverse. Is that the word? This experience has taught me I may also want to go into sales (I have heard a lot of MT's earn extra money from selling spa products). Also, I am a lot better at anatomy and physiology than I thought I would be. This has got me interested in medical writing, reporting and editing.
5) I will be more balanced and centered, mostly as a result of having more money. I will not have to live out of my car, not always be rushing from one job to another, not always losing or forgetting things, not snapping at people as a result of sleep deprivation/poor diet.
Two negative things:
1) In case you haven't figured it out, lack of people skills have been more of a liability for me than appearance, lack of talent, intelligence, work ethic. I worry about clients with attitude, cancelling, not tipping, making snotty remarks, treating me like a hooker. Shirl says a lot of this will go away when I stop advertising with Craig and his list.
2) Wrecking my health through bad body mechanics, infection. Yeah, I realize I said earlier I expect to be healthier, but still I have a lot to learn in the way of body mechanics, as I wrecked my hands before Mark's funeral last summer. Also, I worry about accidents like getting my hand caught in a a meat grinder or between two bowling balls or something like that. Then there's my lack of resistance. After a couple days of hard physical work I end up with a low-grade fever, flu-like symptoms etc, either from pathogens passed on by clients or just emotional strain.
Sometimes I go to the bowling alley across the street for a cold drink. Then I realize what progress I have made -- I don't work in a bowling alley anymore and hopefully I never will again. .
TELLING CLIENTS THEY SUCKIs not a good way to guarantee yourself a tip.
GERIATRIC SOLUTIONOne of the cosmetology students walked into the library carrying two giant jugs of perming solution. Before he got his degree Robert worked in a senior citizens' home. He was carrying two big jugs of cleaning fluid and one of the old folks said "I hope you sell some of that, sonny."
THOSE LAZY, HAZY, CRAZY...It's a typical southern summer night -- hazy hot and humid. When it comes to cliches I wrote the book. When I don't go out in the car during break I walk out to the highway. Lee Highway goes north and south. Hillwood Avenue goes east. If I look a little farther I can see Broad Street, which goes east and west. The main thing is they all go OUT OF Falls Church. It's funny how a place which was a part of my life for so many years is now again. Especially since for so many years all I wanted to do was get out of it. I am so naive. I did search on "haze" and I got lots of pictures of marijuana plants. So that's what Jimi Hendrix was talking about.
ANDERSON #1Pamela Anderson is still #1 of the latest Lycos 50.